


1. Put on

Put on这个短语的意思是“穿上”,我们可以用它来描述我们穿上衣服、鞋子、帽子等物品。例如:

- I need to put on my coat before I go outside.(我需要在出门前穿上外套。)

- Can you put on your shoes and come with me?(你能穿上鞋子跟我一起来吗?)

2. Put off

Put off的意思是“推迟”,我们可以用它来描述我们推迟一个会议、约会或其他活动。例如:

- We had to put off the meeting until next week.(我们不得不将会议推迟到下周。)

- Can we put off our dinner plans until next month?(我们能把晚餐计划推迟到下个月吗?)

3. Put up with

Put up with的意思是“容忍”,我们可以用它来描述我们容忍某个人或某个事情。例如:

- I can't put up with his bad attitude anymore.(我再也无法容忍他的坏态度了。)

- She has to put up with a lot of noise living in the city.(她必须忍受城市里的很多噪音。)

4. Put forward

Put forward的意思是“提出”,我们可以用它来描述我们提出一个建议或一个观点。例如:

- He put forward a proposal for a new project.(他提出了一个新项目的建议。)

- Can you put forward your ideas on how to solve this problem?(你能提出解决这个问题的想法吗?)

5. Put in

Put in的意思是“投入”,我们可以用它来描述我们投入时间、精力或金钱等资源。例如:

- I have put in a lot of effort to finish this project.(我投入了很多精力来完成这个项目。)

- He put in a lot of money to start his own business.(他投入了很多钱来创办自己的企业。)


