1. Wear out
Wear out意思是“磨损”,“用坏”,“疲劳”,“折磨”。例如:
My shoes are worn out.(我的鞋磨损了。)
She was worn out after working all day.(她工作一整天后筋疲力尽。)
2. Wear off
Wear off意思是“消失”,“减弱”。例如:
The effect of the medicine wore off after a few hours.(药效在几小时后消失了。)
The excitement of the party soon wore off.(派对的兴奋感很快就消失了。)
3. Wear on
Wear on意思是“持续”,“过去”。例如:
The meeting wore on for hours.(会议持续了几个小时。)
As the years wore on, he became more and more forgetful.(随着岁月的流逝,他变得越来越健忘。)
4. Wear down
Wear down意思是“磨损”,“消耗”,“逐渐消失”。例如:
The constant use of the stairs has worn down the carpet.(楼梯的频繁使用已经磨损了地毯。)
The stress of the job is wearing him down.(工作的压力正在消耗他的体力。)
5. Wear and tear
Wear and tear意思是“磨损和损坏”,特别是指物品因为常规使用而逐渐磨损和损坏。例如:
The car has a lot of wear and tear after years of use.(这辆车经过多年的使用已经磨损得很厉害了。)
The sofa is showing signs of wear and tear.(沙发显然已经磨损和损坏了。)
6. Wear well
Wear well意思是“经久耐用”,“不容易磨损和损坏”。例如:
These shoes wear well and last a long time.(这些鞋子经久耐用,可以穿很久。)
The furniture is made of high-quality materials and wears well.(这些家具采用高质量的材料制作,经久耐用。)
7. Wear down to
Wear down to意思是“逐渐磨损到”,“逐渐变成”。例如:
The old bridge has worn down to a narrow path.(这座老桥已经磨损到了一个狭窄的小路。)
The statue has worn down to a shapeless lump of stone.(这座雕像已经磨损成了一团没有形状的石头。)
